Authors in the NIMFEIA consortium are underlined.
- Harnessing orbital Hall effect in spin-orbit torque MRAM
R. Gupta, C. Bouard, F. Kammerbauer, J. O. Ledesma-Martin, A. Bose, I. Kononenko, S. Martin, P. Usé, G. Jakob, M. Drouard, and M. Kläui
Nature Communications 16, 130 (2025); - Stabilizing perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with strong exchange bias in PtMn/Co by magneto-ionics
B. Bednarz, M.-A. Syskaki, R. Pachat, L. Prädel, M. Wortmann, T. Kuschel, S. Ono, M.Kläui, L. Herrera Diez, and G. Jakob
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 232403 (2024); - Time-dependent Schwinger boson mean-field theory of supermagnonic propagation in 2D antiferromagnets
M. D. Bouman and J. H. Mentink
SciPost Phys. 17, 159 (2024); - Spontaneous and impulsive stimulated Raman scattering from two-magnon modes in a cubic antiferromagnet
A. E. Fedianin, A. M. Kalashnikova, and J. H. Mentink
Physical Review B 110, 174439 (2024);
A preprint of the paper is available at arXiv:2407.15962 - Gesture recognition with Brownian reservoir computing using geometrically confined skyrmion dynamics
G. Beneke, T. B. Winkler, K. Raab, M. A. Brems, F. Kammerbauer, P. Gerhards, K. Knobloch, S. Krishnia, J. H. Mentink, and M. Kläui
Nature Communications 15, 8103 (2024); - The 2024 Magnonics Roadmap
B. Flebus, D. Grundler, B. Rana, Y. Otani, I. Barsukov, A. Barman, G. Gubbiotti, P. Landeros, J. Akerman, U. S. Ebels, P. Pirro, V. E. Demidov, K. Schultheiss, G. Csaba, Q. Wang, D. E. Nikonov, F. Ciubotaru, P. Che, R. Hertel, T. Ono, D. Afanasiev, J. H Mentink, T. Rasing, B. Hillebrands, S. V. Kusminskiy, W. Zhang, C. R. Du, A. Finco, T. van der Sar, Y. K. Luo, Y. Shiota, J. Sklenar, T. Yu, and J. Rao
published online in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2024); - Homochiral antiferromagnetic merons, antimerons and bimerons realized in synthetic antiferromagnets
M. Bhukta, T. Dohi, V. K. Bharadwaj, R. Zarzuela, M.-A. Syskaki, M. Foerster, M. Angel Niño, J. Sinova, R. Frömter, and M. Kläui
Nature Communications 15, 1641 (2024); - Coarse-graining collective skyrmion dynamics in confined geometries
T. B. Winkler, J. Rothörl, M. A. Brems, G. Beneke, H. Fangohr, and M. Kläui
Applied Physics Letters 124, 022403 (2024);
A preprint of the paper is available at arXiv:2303.16472 - Machine-learning-based detection of spin structures
I. Labrie-Boulay, T. Brian Winkler, D. Franzen, A. Romanova, H. Fangohr, and M. Kläui
Physical Review Applied 21, 014014 (2024);
A preprint of the paper is available at arXiv:2303.16905 - Coherent THz spin dynamics in antiferromagnets beyond the approximation of the Néel vector
F. Formisano, T. T. Gareev, D. I. Khusyainov, A. E. Fedianin, D. Afanasiev, R. V. Pisarev, A. M. Kalashnikova, J. H. Mentink, R. M. Dubrovin, P. P. Syrnikov, and A. V. Kimel
APL Materials 12, 011105 (2024); - Opportunities and challenges for spintronics
C. Adelmann, A. Jenkins, P. Pirro, K. Schultheiss, S. van Dijken, V. Kruglyak, and P. Bortolotti
Europhysics News 54, 28-31 (2023); - Electrical coupling of superparamagnetic tunnel junctions mediated by spin-transfer-torques
L. Schnitzspan, M. Kläui, and G. Jakob
Applied Physics Letters 123, 232403 (2023);
A preprint of the paper is available at arXiv:2307.15165 - Nanosecond true-random-number generation with superparamagnetic tunnel junctions: Identification of joule heating and spin-transfer-torque effects
L. Schnitzspan, M. Kläui, and G. Jakob
Physical Review Applied 20, 024002 (2023);
A preprint of the paper is available at arXiv:2301.05694. - Pattern recognition in reciprocal space with a magnon-scattering reservoir
L. Körber, C. Heins, T. Hula, J.-V. Kim, S. Thlang, H. Schultheiss, J. Fassbender, and K. Schultheiss
Nature Communications 14, 3954 (2023); - Tailoring magnetic properties and suppressing anisotropy in permalloy films by deposition in a rotating magnetic field
O. Lozhkina, F. Kammerbauer, M.-A. Syskaki, A. P. Balan, P. Krautscheid, M. V. Khanjani, J. Kubik, S. O’Brien, R. M. Reeve, G. Jakob, R. Frömter, and M. Kläui
Physical Review Applied 20, 014021 (2023);
A preprint of the paper is available at - Selection rules for ultrafast laser excitation and detection of spin correlation dynamics in a cubic antiferromagnet
A. E. Fedianin, A. M. Kalashnikova, and J. H. Mentink
Physical Review B 107, 144430 (2023);
A preprint of the paper is available at arxiv:2212.14698 - Perspective on unconventional computing using magnetic skyrmions
O. Lee, R. Msiska, M. A. Brems, M. Kläui, H. Kurebayashi, K. Everschor-Sitte
Applied Physics Letters 122, 260501 (2023); - Modification of three-magnon splitting in a flexed magnetic vortex
L. Körber, C. Heins, I. Soldatov, R. Schäfer, A. Kákay, H. Schultheiss, and K. Schultheiss
Applied Physics Letters 122, 092401 (2023); - Constructing coarse-grained skyrmion potentials from experimental data with Iterative Boltzmann Inversion
Y. Ge, J. Rothörl, M. A. Brems, N. Kerber; R. Gruber, T. Dohi, M. Kläui, P. Virnau
Communications Physics 6, 30 (2023); - Brownian reservoir computing realized using geometrically confined skyrmion dynamics
K. Raab, M. A. Brems, G. Beneke, T. Dohi, J. Rothörl, F. Kammerbauer, J. H. Mentink, and M. Kläui
Nature Communications 13, 6982 (2022);
Presentations at conferences, workshops, and seminars
Only presenting author is listed.
- Floquet magnons in a periodically driven magnetic vortex (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. Wilhelm-Else-Heraeus Seminar (Hybrid Angular Momentum Transport and Dynamics), Bad Honnef, Germany (Oct. 2024) - Floquet magnons in a periodically driven magnetic vortex (oral presentation)
Helmut Schultheiss. International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Perugia, Italy (July 2024) - Modification of three-magnon splitting by in-plane magnetic fields (poster presentation)
Katrin Schultheiss. International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Perugia, Italy (July 2024) - Self-induced Floquet magnon states (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. Workshop on Magnetic Neuromorphic Computing, Trondheim, Norway (June 2024) - Floquet magnons in a periodically-driven magnetic vortex (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. Magnetic and Optics Research International Symposium (MORIS), York, UK (May 2024) - NIMFEIA – Nonlinear magnons for reservoir computing in reciprocal space (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. European Neuromorphic Research Day, Braga, Portugal (May 2024) - Neuromorphic Computing for Science (oral presentation)
Johan Mentink. CSL seminar series, Amsterdam, Netherlands (May 2024) - Identifying computational advantage of Ising machines for quantum many-body physics (oral presentation)
Johan Mentink. International Workshop on Ising Machines, Messina, Italy (May 2024) - Floquet magnons in a periodically-driven magnetic vortex (invited talk)
Christopher Heins. Neuromorphic Magnonics Workshop, Paris, France (April 2024) - Presentation of the European project NIMFEIA (invited talk)
Helmut Schultheiss. Neuromorphic Magnonics Workshop, Paris, France (April 2024) - Floquet magnons in a periodically-driven magnetic soliton (invited talk)
Helmut Schultheiss. Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Berlin, Germany (March 2024) - Neuromorphic Computing for Science (oral presentation)
Johan Mentink. SURF meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands (Jan. 2024) - With great driving comes great instability (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Physics Velhdoven, Veldhoven, Netherlands (Jan. 2024) - Spin-Orbitronics and Orbitronics – novel science and applications in memory & non-conventional computing (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. ICAMD 2023, Jeju, Korea (Dec. 2023) - With great driving comes great instability (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Dutch Computational Science Day, Utrecht, Netherlands (Nov. 2023) - Ultrafast switching dynamics of nanoscale magnetic patterns (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Dutch Computational Science Day, Utrecht, Netherlands (Nov. 2023) - Identifying signatures of ultrafast skyrmion nucleation in reciprocal space (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Dutch Computational Science Day, Utrecht, Netherlands (Nov. 2023) - Orbitronics: magnetoresistance, torques & switching (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. Orbitronics Workshop, Daejeon, Korea (Nov. 2023) - From Spintronics to Orbitronics and applications to stochastic computing (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. RIEC Workshop, Sendai, Japan (Nov. 2023) - Skyrmions in Spin-Orbitronics and Orbitronics – science and applications in memory and non-conventional computing (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. 5th International Workshop on Spintronic Memory and Logic, Beijing, China (Oct. 2023) - Topological Spin Structure in Magnetism – Science and Applications in Memory and non-conventional Computing (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. APTCP Workshop 2023, Tokyo, Japan (Oct. 2023) - Pattern recognition with magnons (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. IoP Current Research in Magnetism Meeting: Magnetic Neuromorphic Computing, London, UK (Sep. 2023) - Skyrmions and Spin-Orbitronics: novel science and applications (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. E-MRS 2023, Warsaw, Poland (Sep. 2023) - Pattern recognition with magnons (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. Trends in Magnetism 2023, Rome, Italy (Sep. 2023) - Space-time dynamics of topological magnetic fluctuation states (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Trends in Magnetism 2023, Rome, Italy (Sep. 2023) - Identifying signatures of ultrafast skyrmion nucleation in reciprocal space (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Trends in Magnetism 2023, Rome, Italy (Sep. 2023) - Benchmarking neuromorphic hardware for simulating quantum magnetism with machine learning (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Trends in Magnetism 2023, Rome, Italy (Sep. 2023) - Skyrmions and Spin-Orbitronics: novel science and applications (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. Trends in Magnetism 2023, Rome, Italy (Sep. 2023) - Pattern recognition with magnons (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Madrid, Spain (Aug. 2023) - Modification of three-magnon splitting by in-plane magnetic fields (poster presentation)
Katrin Schultheiss. Magnonics Conference, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, France (July 2023) - Ultrafast laser-induced spin-lattice dynamics in the van der Waals antiferromagnet CoPS3 (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Gordon Research Seminar “Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (July 2023) - Observation of stochastic domain networks during cumulative all-optical helicity-dependent switching in the ferromagnetic film (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Gordon Research Seminar “Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (July 2023) - Selection rules and equation of motion for laser-driven THz spin correlations in an antiferromagnet (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Gordon Research Seminar “Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (July 2023) - Coherent THz Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnets Beyond the Macrospin Approximation (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Gordon Research Seminar “Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (July 2023) - Identifying signatures of ultrafast skyrmion nucleation in reciprocal space (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Gordon Research Seminar “Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (July 2023) - With great driving comes great instability (poster presentation)
Johan Mentink. Gordon Research Seminar “Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (July 2023) - Skyrmions in Spin-Orbitronics & Orbitronics: novel science and applications in non-conventional computing (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. ICMAT 2023, Singapore (July 2023) - Skyrmions in Spin-Orbitronics & Orbitronics: novel science and applications in non-conventional computing (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. MML 2023, Seoul, Korea (July 2023) - Recent advancements in STT-MRAM technologies (invited talk)
Johannes Müller. LETI Innovation Days, Grenoble, France (June 2023) - Magnetic Solitons in Spin-Orbitronics: novel science and applications in memory & non-conventional computing (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. Condensed Matter Solitons Workshop, Daejeon, Korea (June 2023) - MagSens: A technology platform for magnetic sensors and unconventional computing as exemplified by NIMFEIA (oral presentation)
Gerhard Jakob. Meeting of the INNOMAG e.V., Berlin, Germany (May 2023) - Non-conventional computing using thermal and driven skyrmion dynamics (oral presentation)
Klaus Raab. INS-ECRM Conference, Sendai, Japan (May 2023) - Pattern recognition with magnons (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. IEEE Intermag 2023, Sendai, Japan (May 2023) - Spontaneous Emergence of Spin-Wave Frequency Combs Mediated by Vortex Gyration (oral presentation)
Christopher Heins. IEEE Intermag 2023, Sendai, Japan (May 2023) - Non-conventional computing using thermal and driven skyrmion dynamics (oral presentation)
Klaus Raab. IEEE Intermag 2023, Sendai, Japan (May 2023) - Pattern recognition with magnons (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. Advanced Science Research Center Seminar, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan (May 2023) - From spin-orbitronics to orbitronics: torques and magnetoresistance (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting 2023, Daejeon, Korea (April 2023) - Writing, reading and transporting spin in antiferromagnets (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. Multimag 2023, Lille, France (March 2023) - Pattern recognition with magnons (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. IEEE International Conference on Advances in Magnetics, Moena, Italy (Jan. 2023) - Unconventional computing using topological spin structures (invited talk)
Mathias Kläui. IEEE International Conference on Advances in Magnetics, Moena, Italy (Jan. 2023) - Approaching machine learning with nonlinear magnonic hardware (poster presentation)
Helmut Schultheiss. Wilhelm-Else-Heraeus Seminar (Re-Thinking Spintronics: From Unconventional Materials to Novel Technologies), Bad Honnef, Germany (Jan. 2023) - Brownian reservoir computing realized using geometrically confined skyrmions dynamics (oral presentation)
Klaus Raab. MMM Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (Nov. 2022) - The European project NIMFEIA (invited talk)
Katrin Schultheiss. SpinTronicFactory’s Workshop, Paris, France (Nov. 2022)
Talk on Pattern recognition with magnons presented by K. Schultheiss at the IEEE Intermag 2023:
Project reports (deliverables)
Number | Name | Work package (WP) | Lead | Dissemination level | Delivery month | Delivered |
D1.1 | Report from the kick-off meeting | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M01 | Nov. 2022 |
D1.2 | Protocol on appointment of Executive Board | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M01 | Nov. 2022 |
D1.3 | Project public launch | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M02 | Dec. 2022 |
D1.3 | Report on participation in 2 industry events | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M24 | |
D1.4 | Report on 3-day workshop gathering actors in the fields of or adjacent to spintronics and magnonics | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M42 | |
D1.6 | Data management plan 1 | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M06 | March 2023 |
D1.7 | Data management plan 2 | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M18 | Feb. 2024 |
D1.8 | Data management plan 3 | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M30 | |
D1.9 | Data management plan 4 | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M42 | |
D1.10 | Dissemination and exploitation plan 1 | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M06 | March 2023 |
D1.11 | Dissemination and exploitation plan 2 | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M18 | March 2024 |
D1.12 | Dissemination and exploitation plan 3 | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M30 | |
D1.13 | Dissemination and exploitation plan 4 | WP1 | HZDR | Public | M42 | |
D2.1 | Report on characterization of vortex-based magnon reservoirs | WP2 | HZDR | Public | M12 | Oct. 2023 |
D2.2 | Report on the available set of magnon reservoir building blocks | WP2 | HZDR | Public | M30 | |
D2.3 | Report on scalability based on parallelization of magnon reservoirs | WP2 | HZDR | Public | M42 | |
D2.4 | Report on microwave antennas | WP2 | HZDR | Public | M18 | April 2024 |
D3.1 | Report on the nonlinear magnon population dynamics in vortexbased reservoirs | WP3 | UPS | Public | M12 | Nov 2023 |
D3.2 | Report on the role of coupling between core gyration and higherorder spin-wave modes | WP3 | UPS | Public | M21 | |
D3.3 | Report on the reservoir computing metrics of vortex-based systems | WP3 | UPS | Public | M30 | |
D3.4 | Report on the mode filtering technique implemented in micromagnetics code | WP3 | UPS | Public | M04 | Jan. 2023 |
D4.1 | Report on soft metallic systems | WP4 | JGU | Public | M18 | March 2023 |
D4.2 | Report on metallic multilayer systems | WP4 | JGU | Public | M30 | |
D4.3 | Report on synthetic AFM systems | WP4 | JGU | Public | M36 | |
D4.4 | Report on the etch process for MTJs | WP4 | JGU | Sensitive | M30 | |
D5.1 | Report on effectiveness of electrical read-out approaches for magnon reservoirs | WP5 | GF | Sensitive | M36 | |
D5.2 | Report on the separation capability of the magnon reservoir | WP5 | HZDR | Sensitive | M48 | |
D6.1 | Report on benchmark of vortex-based magnon reservoir on NARMA data | WP6 | RU | Public | M24 | |
D6.2 | Report on demonstration of indoor person recognition with open source data | WP6 | RU | Public | M36 | |
D6.3 | Report on demonstration of gesture recognition with data from Infineon | WP6 | UPS | Sensitive | M48 | |
D6.4 | Report on data handling scripts | WP6 | RU | Public | M18 | April 2024 |
D7.1 | Report on nonlinear magnon processes in antiferromagnets | WP7 | RU | Public | M24 | |
D7.2 | Report on higher anisotropy and coupled materials leading to higher frequencies | WP7 | JGU | Public | M30 | |
D7.3 | Report on potential of other spin structures (double layers, SAFs, skyrmionic bubbles) | WP7 | JGU | Public | M36 | |
D7.4 | Report on experimental detection of THz down conversion | WP7 | JGU | Public | M48 | |
D7.5 | Report on reservoir metrics and scaling of the reservoir capacity from 1 THz to 100 THz | WP7 | RU | Public | M48 | |
D7.6 | Report on implementation of the adaptive time integration method in machine learning simulations | WP7 | RU | Public | M18 | April 2024 |