The article Pattern recognition in reciprocal space with a magnon-scattering reservoir by members of the NIMFEIA consortium was published in Nature Communications.

Magnons are elementary excitations in magnetic materials and undergo nonlinear multimode scattering processes at large input powers. In experiments and simulations, we show that the interaction between magnon modes of a confined magnetic vortex can be harnessed for pattern recognition. We study the magnetic response to signals comprising sine wave pulses with frequencies corresponding to radial mode excitations. Three-magnon scattering results in the excitation of different azimuthal modes, whose amplitudes depend strongly on the input sequences. We show that recognition rates as high as 99.4% can be attained for four-symbol sequences using the scattered modes, with strong performance maintained with the presence of amplitude noise in the inputs.
If you want to know more about reservoir computing using magnons, check out our article in Nature Communications and the press release (available in German as well).